Business Exit Planning Health Check  | Questionnaire Progress:  0 / 0
Total Score: 0%
Assess the readiness of your business for a successful exit with our Business Exit Planning Health Check questionnaire. This comprehensive survey covers key areas such as financial factors, market factors, investing considerations and more, to ensure that you have thoughtfully planned for your transition and are on track to meet your goals.
Business Factors
Business Factors      / Page 1 of 5Client Explanation and Comment
1 Management Strength
To what extent would your management team impress a potential purchaser?
Your score:
2 Customer Loyalty
How loyal are your customers?
Your score:
3 Customer Database
Do you have an adequate historical database of your customers? Would a potential buyer be impressed by your database?
Your score:
7 Business Owner Reliance
How reliant is your business on the ownership?
Your score:
8 Marketing Systems
Do you have good marketing systems in place that lowers the risk of winning new business?
Your score:
9 Business Systems
Do you have good business systems in place? Business systems could refer to CRM, accounting and production systems as well as strong policies and procedures that are well implemented.
Your score:
10 Business Value
How aware are you of your current approximate business evaluation? How happy are you with this figure?
Your score:
11 Employee Considerations
Have you considered the impact of the sale on your employees? To what extent?
Your score:

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